Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Safe tan

If you want to stay safe but still love that tanned look, you may want to try a sunless tanning product (also called "self-tanning" products). These products, which usually come as a cream or a gel, contain a dye that binds to dead skin cells, producing a tanned colour. The colour usually wears off in about a week when the dead skin sloughs off. Sunless tanning products need to be applied regularly in order to maintain the colour. Wash your hands with soap and water after applying the product to avoid transferring it to other areas of the body. Some products also contain sunscreen, but the sunless tanning product on its own does not protect you from the sun.
Regular skin examinations are another tool in the fight to prevent skin cancer. The Canadian Dermatology Association suggests that everyone should perform a monthly skin self-exam. This will help you become more familiar with your own skin so that you can notice changes and have them checked out by a doctor. See "Spotting it early" for hints on what changes to watch for. You should also have your skin examined by a doctor every year.

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