Seek the shade.
Be aware, however, that sunlight bouncing off reflective surfaces can reach you even beneath an umbrella or a tree.
Be aware, however, that sunlight bouncing off reflective surfaces can reach you even beneath an umbrella or a tree.
Never seek a tan.
There is no such thing as a healthy tan. A tan is the skin's response to the sun's damaging rays.
Stay away from tanning parlors and artificial tanning devices.
The UV radiation emitted by indoor tanning lamps is many times more intense than natural sunlight. Dangers include burns, premature aging of the skin, and the increased risk of skin cancer.
There is no such thing as a healthy tan. A tan is the skin's response to the sun's damaging rays.
Stay away from tanning parlors and artificial tanning devices.
The UV radiation emitted by indoor tanning lamps is many times more intense than natural sunlight. Dangers include burns, premature aging of the skin, and the increased risk of skin cancer.
Protect your children and teach them sun safety at an early age.
Healthy habits are best learned young. Because skin damage occurs with each unprotected exposure and accumulates over the course of a lifetime, sun safety for children should be a priority.
Healthy habits are best learned young. Because skin damage occurs with each unprotected exposure and accumulates over the course of a lifetime, sun safety for children should be a priority.
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